Planning your route on the Camino Inglés is very simple, but there are certain things you should take into account. What route are you going to choose? How many kilometres do you want to do, or can you do each day? What to carry in your backpack? Where can you sleep? How much money do you need? How can you get the Compostela?
Como planificar o Camiño Inglés?
The longest route from Ferrol is 113 km and from A Coruña 73,7 km. If we estimate an average of 20-25 km per day, we can calculate the time we need to do the Camino Inglés.
But we all know that the distances on the roads are not precise and it depends on many factors and the services available along each of the stages. The longest version of the Camino Inglés, starting in Ferrol, consists of 5 or 6 stages and the one that starts in A Coruña consists of 3 or 4 stages, but remember, you can walk the Slow Camino Inglés in shorter stages, at your own pace.
- Ferrol – Neda 15.4km
- Neda - Pontedeume 12.9 km
- Pontedeume – Betanzos 19.9 Km
- Betanzos – Bruma 24.1 km
- Bruma – Sigüeiro 24.2 km
- Sigüeiro – Santiago de Compostela 16.5 km
- A Coruña – Sergude 20 km
- Sergude – Bruma 13 km
- Bruma – Sigüeiro 24.2 km
- Sigüeiro – Santiago de Compostela 16.5 km
Regarding the variant from A Coruña, there are pilgrims who decide to do a single stage A Coruña → Hospital de Bruma (33 km), and others who decide to do A Coruña → Sergude and then Sergude → Poulo (about 20 km approximately). There are various options, all these towns have public hostels, and some have private accommodation too.
The Camino Inglés is an itinerary that can be done at any time of the year. The temperature in summer is pleasant and the temperature is not usually so high that it prevents us from reaching the end of our stage.
The Camino Inglés has no issues with pilgrim overcrowding at any time of year, which makes it a most favourable route.
O importante é vivir a experiencia de facer o Camiño Inglés a Santiago. Por iso, a época que elixas estará ben. Só debes prepararte de acordo ás características da estación do ano na que desexes peregrinar. Como planificar o Camiño Inglés é facil en calquer momento do ano.
The Camino Inglés begins on the coast at sea level and climbs inland without exceeding 500 metres in altitude. This means that the temperature is not extreme, neither in winter nor summer, and the main thing we should properly equip ourselves for is the rain.
A roupa que debemos traer ao Camiño Inglés é a que levarías a outro Camiño de Santiago. Non esquezas engadir un chuvasqueiro lixeiro e se ves que ameaza choiva na época na que viaxes, podes sumarlle un protector para a mochila. No apartado de roupa e equipo afondamos máis sobre como planificar o Camiño Inglés neste senso.
At all stages you will find food services in restaurants or bars/cafeterias. At present, due to Covid19, it is not possible to use the kitchens of the public hostels, but there will be sufficient food and drink on offer at the bars and restaurants.
If you want, you can include snacks such as nuts, dried fruit, cereal bars... and if possible — take a reusable water bottle — so we take care of the environment…
The Camino Inglés has various types of accommodation available for pilgrims: public and private hostels, guesthouses and hotels of varying categories.
Where to pick up my credential?
- Co-cathedral of San Xiao in Calle Iglesia, 104. Opening hours: every day from 10:30am to 1:00pm and from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
- Headquarters of the Bishopric, in Miramar street. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00pm to 1:00pm.
- Tourist and Pilgrim's Assistance Office, in Paseo de la Mariña, s/n.
Opening Hours
From 2nd January to April included (except Easter Week) and from 15th October to 31st December (except 25/12): every day from 9:00am to 12:00pm and from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.
Easter, July, August and from 1st to 13th September: every day from 8:00am to 1:30pm and from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. At Easter also from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
May, June and from September 14th to October 14th - every day from 8:30am to 2:00pm and from 4:30pm to 7:00pm (from 14/09 to 14/10 until 6:30pm).
In A Coruña you can pick it up at the Church of Santiago in the old city. Opening hours: Tuesday to Thursday from 10:45am to 2:00pm and from 5:00pm to 8:30pm.
Tourist Offices in María Pita Square. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm and from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
The Visitor Centre at the Hercules Tower (Lighthouse). Opening hours - every day from October to May from 10:00am to 6.00pm and from June to September from 10:00am to 9:00pm.
You can also apply for a credential at the different Associations of Friends of the Camino.
Son numerosas as festas, celebracións e lugares fantásticos para visitar no Camiño Inglés, por iso desde aquí mostrámosche os máis destacados. Como planificar o Camiño Inglés tamén a través das nosas festas.
Follow and respect the Camino signs, always walk where indicated, do not leave your belongings unattended and make your stage plan known... In general, it is a safe route, in terms of your health and safety.
Below you will find options for getting to the starting points/destination along the Camino Inglés according to your needs.
Before embarking or whilst you are on the Camino Inglés you can get more information by visiting or calling the tourist information points that you will find along the route.
Resolve esas pequenas dúbidas que todos e todas temos antes de empezar unha viaxe deste tipo.