Municipality of


Some tourist routes that run through the municipal area and discover beautiful corners.


O Concello de Narón é a oitava cidade de Galicia cunha poboación de preto de 40.000 habitantes. Os veciños distribúense entre os seis barrios que compoñen o centro urbano e as sete parroquias da zona rural. Situado na Terra de Trasancos coruñesa, o Concello de Narón conta cunha amplia rede de aloxamentos e de servicios comerciais e de hostalería que arroupan aos camiñantes. O fito do quilómetro 100 atópase en Narón no paseo marítimo de Xuvia, un elemento singular de referencia para iniciar o Camiño e así acadar a Compostela..

People who visit our municipality can enjoy various tourist routes that run through the municipality and discover beautiful spots such as the Monastery of San Martiño de Xuvia in O Couto.

In addition to its scenic beauty, we must highlight the importance of the festivals and traditions that are celebrated throughout the year in Narón, forever enriched by the town’s history.


How to get to Narón

Municipality of Narón:

Tourism of Narón:
