Penultimate stage of the Camino Inglés

Bruma – Sigüeiro

  • LENGTH 24.2Km

f the previous stage is characterised by climbs, this section is quite the opposite with a gradual descent from Bruma to Sigüeiro. Within the first two hours, pilgrims will pass in front of three very interesting temples: Ardemil, San Paio de Buscás and Calle. In addition, they are sure to make a stop at the church of San Paio, attracted by the polychrome figure of the saint and by a façade generous in spectacular elements that denote its Romanesque origin.

Camino Inglés through hostels

The rest of the route is woodland, with some wonderful trails such as the one that starts in the village of Os Carrás. It is short, but practically conserves the same aspect as it had in the Middle Ages. The pilgrim will recognise it without problems due to its beauty.

An hour before reaching Sigüeiro, the walker will gather his/her strength at Fonte da Santiña, just as Father Sarmiento did in the 18th century. Then he/she will pass by two forts and reach Sigüeiro through another medieval section, which enters the Carboeiro park, crossing the Tambre over a historic bridge.

Points of interest


Start of route End of route Public hostels Private hostels Other establishments Tourist information points Airports Buses Trains