The Stelar Network
What is the Stelar Network?
The Network of Excellence in the Camino Inglés ‘Stelar’, is a group of establishments of different typologies, which, complying with a series of requirements related to quality, attention to the pilgrim and sustainability, work continuously and collaboratively to achieve excellence in the pilgrim experience along the Camino Inglés and, at the same time, supporting the preservation and dissemination of its authentic values, both material and immaterial.
Its main objectives are, therefore:
• To act in a collaborative way between the establishments along the route of the Camino Inglés and the local administrations, generating a sense of belonging and cohesion to the territory for the development of tourism.
• To implement the philosophy of continuous improvement to achieve excellence in the management of the establishments, creating a brand image and positioning it in the market.
• Promote quality and excellence in the pilgrim experience along the entire route of the Camino Inglés.
• To enhance the value, use and promote the use and consumption of local agri-food and fishery products, favouring the local economy.
• To contribute to the promotion and dissemination of the Camino Inglés, as well as its historical, linguistic, cultural and natural values.
• To promote socially, economically and environmentally sustainable tourism.
• To reward and recognise good practices related to sustainability, quality and attention to pilgrims, among others.