
Camino Inglés from Ferrol

As pilgrims, we will have the opportunity to experience the Camino as the ancient navigators did and discover the spectacular landscapes that this millenary route has to offer. We will enjoy a unique experience, crossing medieval villages in search of the best produce from the sea and the land, to finally reach the pinnacle of our indulgence by entering the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela by the Holy doorway.


The port of Ferrol was also one of the points of departure to Santiago de Compostela for those sailors arriving from the north, mainly British, Scandinavian and Flemish. The safety that came with shortening part of the Camino of St. James in arriving there by sea enticed the wealthier pilgrims to pay for a passage on a cargo ship. From this time onwards, these ships carried both merchandise and pilgrims when making the crossing.

Many pilgrims feared the robbers and thieves that were appearing on the traditional Camino and in this Camino, by sea, they were less exposed to their assaults. Furthermore, from a practical point of view, the voyage by ship reduced the journey by several days.

Mapa de etapas de A Coruña a Santiago de Compostela

A total of 113 km separate Ferrol from Santiago de Compostela, enough to be awarded the Compostela. The stages has both coastal stages (where we, as pilgrims, will experience the unique character of our seafaring Galicians) and inland stages – which will show us a rather different Galician idiosyncrasy.

As pilgrims, we will have the opportunity to experience the Camino as the ancient navigators did and discover the spectacular landscapes that this millenary route has to offer. We will enjoy a unique experience, crossing medieval villages in search of the best produce from the sea and the land, to finally reach the pinnacle of our indulgence by crossing the Holy Door of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

This route, in addition to Ferrol, passes through historic towns such as Pontedeume and Betanzos, birthplace of a great artistic and architectural heritage of great cultural value. It is alCaminos advisable to get up early to make time to visit every hidden corner of the Camino Inglés and enjoy the rich heritage, landscape and ethnographic wealth of the places en route.

Casa Miranda tortilla de Betanzos

Start of route End of route Public hostels Private hostels Other establishments Tourist information points Airports Buses Trains

This first stage goes through the city of Ferrol, from the port to Neda. Along this 15.4 km stretch you will be able to enjoy the architecture and the parks of this city.

Churches, sea, nature... this stage covers 12.9 km and starts next to the Ferrol estuary delving deep into the natural beauty of the area and before reaching the town of Pontedeume.

This route bears a more irregular profile. It covers a distance of 19.9 km during which we will pass through the town of Miño and cross the river Lambre.

From the old Cidade dos Cabaleiros (City of Knights) begins this 24.1 km stage, which is arguably the hardest part of the Camino Inglés.

Forests and medieval buildings make up the landscape of this stage with a mostly descending route along over 24.2 km.

The 16.5 km of the last stage of the Camino offers incredible natural spaces that cross the Tambre and the Enchanted Forest.