First stage from Ferrol

Ferrol - Neda

  • LENGTH 15.4Km

etapa Ferrol - Neda parte desde o mesmo porto de Curuxeiras, e cruzando a cidade ilustrada a través da rúa Real, deixaremos á nosa dereita a zona naval-militar. De feito, nesta primeira etapa camiñaremos co mar á nosa dereita case toda a ruta.

Camino Inglés through hostels

On the first part of the route we have vistas of a historic Ferrol, a coastal fortress, with a route stretching from one side of the estuary to the other. In addition to the monuments that the city has to offer, including the co-cathedral of San Xiao and the convent of San Francisco, pilgrims will find the monastery of San Martiño de Xuvia, which was once mixed (of religious men and women). It is well worth a visit to admire its three magnificent Romanesque apses. In its atrium, and in front of the 18th century tower, there is a medieval sarcophagus.

Despois de 15 km chegamos a Neda. Agora ti decides se quedas nesta poboación ou continúas cara a Pontedeume, para a cal restan 16 km máis.

Points of interest


Start of route End of route Public hostels Private hostels Other establishments Tourist information points Airports Buses Trains